Sure, you can save a significant amount of money by putting some party favors together yourself. Conversely, you can save a lot of time by purchasing ready-made gewgaws and fra fras. What you don't want to do is waste both time and money wandering and schlepping from party shop to party shop, over to the stationer, and every craft store in between.
When you’re planning an event, little expenses can add up quickly. Figure out what you need before you buy anything. Pay for shipping as few times as possible, and take advantage of internet specials on merchandise and/or materials. Forget about impulsive brainstorming purchases that you'll "return later if it doesn't work out." Even if you plan to make your own party favors and decorations, peruse the favor supply companies to get cool ideas. Be sure that hand-crafting is something you have time to do (learned that one the hard way with my little lavender topiaries ca. 1996).
Whether you make or buy, think sustainably! Feature party favors someone will actually use, like candles or cookies. Nobody really likes tchtochkes anyway, so instead of boring old picture frames, why not give a cute little bag or container of flower seeds (see below)?
how cute are those boxes....
ReplyDeleteWe did my own party favors for both my wedding and shower, for a couple of friends too... twas fun, all girls night with drinks and wrappings... nice blog... good info.:)
i know, right? where was this place 15 years ago when all my peeps were getting married? what did you and your girlfriends make?